Worshiping at Ascension

Sunday Worship

From the Sunday following Labor Day through the Sunday preceding Memorial Day, we have two church services on Sunday mornings. Both the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services follow the liturgy and order of service set out in the Book of Common Prayer and include Holy Communion. 

The 8 a.m. service is quieter and does not have music. Our 10 a.m. features joyful music led by a full choir. The 10 a.m. service is live-streamed via our website homepage and YouTube channel. Service videos are available after the livestream.

From Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, Ascension offers one family-friendly service at 9 a.m., and children are warmly welcomed at all of our services.

About Worship

The worship of Jesus Christ on Sunday mornings is the core of who we are. Our service is centered in the weekly Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel readings available in the Revised Common Lectionary followed by Holy Communion every Sunday. We offer special service schedules at holy days throughout the year including Holy Week and Christmas.

Music is essential to our life as a community of worship, with a full choir offering hymns, psalms, and choral arrangements. Communion music includes traditional anthems, praise music, or contemporary hymns.

What is most important for newcomers, visitors, and longtime members alike to remember: come as you are. You will meet folks in their Sunday best or jeans and a t-shirt. You will hear the sounds of infants and children, even as you sit next to octogenarians. The worshiping community at Ascension comes from all walks of life, all political and social persuasions, and all ages. You are most welcome here, and you are a blessing in this place. In worship, we are all one in Christ Jesus, united by the power of the Holy Spirit, and drawn together in the love of God. From worship, we are sent forth into the world and our daily lives to share this love and to live the Gospel of Jesus.

We encourage families to worship together. A full complement of trained lectors, altar servers, and acolytes symbolizes the shared responsibility between clergy and laity.

Wednesday Holy Eucharist, Preach and Teach Service.

We have a weekly Holy Eucharist with healing at 11:30 a.m. in the Chapel. This service will be a time of discussion, healing and eucharist. On the first Wednesday of the month, we will also serve a light lunch (sandwiches and lemonade) after the service! 

Weekday Morning Prayer 

A daily service of Morning Prayer is offered every weekday at 8 a.m. This is a 20–25 minute spoken service of Scripture, canticles, and quiet prayer and meditation. For more information, please email Sarah Dougherty.